About 48 kos Kurukshetra

Greater Kurukshetra or 48 kos Kurukshetra Bhumi lies between the two rivers i.e. Sarasvati and Drishadvati which is spread over the five revenue districts of Haryana viz. Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Karnal, Jind and Panipat.

In the text of Mahabharata, Kurukshetra has been identified as Samantpanchaka consisting a land spreading over twenty yojana and lying between river Sarasvati on the north and Drishadvati on the south bounded by four door keepers or Yakshas at four cardinal corners viz., Ratnuk Yaksha at Bid Pipli (Kurukshetra) on the north-east, Arantuk Yaksha at Behar Jakh (Kaithal) on the north-west, Kapil Yaksha at Pokhari Kheri (Jind) on the south-west and Machakruka Yaksha at Sinkh (Panipat) on the south-east. Popularly the holy circuit of greater Kurukshetra is called 48 kos Kurukshetra Bhumi.

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